The Arcturian Earth Mission

The Arcturian Earth Mission

The Arcturians have been connected with the Earth and the human race in varying capacities for the past 150,000 years. We have been very involved in the affairs of the planet Earth for the last 20,000 years. Some of us were here much earlier, but this is the active phase of our planetary involvement. We have had major contacts with you in your current historic period. We were involved with the Hebrews on Mount Sinai under the direction of Sananda and others. We have been overseeing some of the evolutionary changes that have occurred. Even more recently, we have been able to work with many of the Native Americans very directly. Now, we are again working closely with many of you as starseeds. Thus, you can see that we have a long-standing kinship with the human race. At this time, we have great contact and involvement with the Earth because so many Arcturian starseeds are here. We work with the permission of, and in service to, your White Brotherhood/ Sisterhood. We acknowledge Sananda to be the Ascended Master of your planet. The guidance that he offers you is from the highest galactic source. We interface with that knowledge, as well as with his work and his great love. We acknowledge all of your religious experiences, only wishing to bring you into the highest interface with spiritual light. It is true that other space beings are coming to your planet continually for observation. Presently, some are interacting with you. We are interacting only with certain chosen people on a modified level, but we are seeking to create an awareness of our presence. This has been authorized by the highest sources in conjunction with your planetary evolution. We have not been directly involved in human evolutionary changes or genetic restructuring. Those issues were left up to the Pleiadians and the Sirians. Other extraterrestrial groups have also done these things. We, however, function more in the role of teachers or overseers. We are here to help you graduate so that you can ascend into the stargate, and move into the fifth dimensional realm. Our current Earth mission is a very broad base mission. It is a mission of love, spiritual evolvement, and learning. It is a mission of connection, and, more specifically, a mission of energy infusion. Ascension is a form of expansion. To expand, you need to hold more energy. This is a universal law. We can help you accelerate your mental, emotional and physical systems through the process of energy infusion. The Earth is experiencing an interdimensional transition. The locks on the third dimensional realms are being loosened, not only for you, but for the Earth as well. This is allowing a tremendous infusion of energy to occur. If you focus your energy on higher beings, like ourselves, you can work effectively in this new energy. We are very pleased that we can now anchor fifth dimensional energy even more deeply into your planetary system, and help the Earth in her ascension process. With the onset of this increased energy and the openings into the higher dimensions, you need a focus. That is one of our missions to you- to provide a consistent, etherically pure and high spiritual energy focus for you. We are providing a gateway for you to meet us, just as we have a gateway to the galaxy. This is our gift to you. We want this to be a group gateway, for we communicate and work as a group consciousness. We want to help you raise your level of consciousness to a point where you can enter the dimensional corridors that are now opening. You can use these dimensional corridors to communicate and interact with us. We can train you to work in interdimensional spaces, and project yourselves through the corridors to our ships, and then to the Arcturian system. We can help Connecting with the Arcturians you to project yourselves to the interdimensional temples located on the beautiful mountains of Arcturus. It is also our mission to assist you in your purification. Come to us in your consciousness, and know that we will assist you to purify and to cleanse, so you can raise yourselves and your planet to a higher level. We know how to help you purify your thought patterns. We realized long ago that when you refine your thought patterns, you are well on the way towards your spiritual birth. We are a spiritual race, and we communicate telepathically. We are specialists in bringing you the highest spiritual light, and in utilizing healing chambers in order to provide assistance to you. We bring down a golden blue beam of light for you. This light is sprinkling very powerful rays that will enter your crown chakra. We personally greet each of you with this burst of energy. We recommend that you take this energy into your crown chakra and expand your consciousness even beyond your emerging awareness of the Arcturians.